Zayne (Love and Deepspace) x Seraphina Edevane (OC)

Genre: Fluff with slight angst

This Love and Deepspace fanfiction is a commission written by raxhophon for Eirene, and edited by the commissioner.

The fanart is a private commission done by kira_kthg. You’re prohibited from using, resharing the art on other platforms, and claiming it as yours.

The sun gently illuminates a park next to Akso Hospital. Soft chirping of birds creates a tranquil soundtrack. Tall trees sway gently in the wind, their lush green leaves rustling in harmony. A winding path meanders through the park, inviting visitors to stroll amidst the beauty of carefully tended flower beds and verdant lawns.

In this oasis of calm, all stress from the hospital seems to fade away, replaced by a sense of renascence. Benches nestled among clusters of vibrant blooms offer quiet spots for contemplation or peaceful conversation. A lone woman sat on one of these benches, a book open on her lap.

Page after page, Seraphina turned the leaves of her beloved novel, her imagination taking flight amidst the tranquil embrace of the sun-dappled trees.

Her raven curls, tousled by the wind, danced playfully around her face as she tucked a stray strand behind her ear. The sound of footsteps approaching drew her attention, and she looked up to see her handsome boyfriend, Zayne, standing before her.

“Raff, forgive me. Did you wait long?”

It’s almost funny how a mere sentence from this man could easily crush her supposedly unbreakable focus. Yet, a smile played on her lips at the thought – it wasn’t like she was complaining.

She packed her book inside her bag and sighed. “Yes, so what do you think I should do to someone who made a girl wait too long, huh?” A sudden desire to tease consumed her.

Zayne chose to indulge the girl and shook his head helplessly. “What do you think is suitable then?” he said seriously, earning a hearty laughter from Seraphina. They walked to the parking lot hand in hand, she would ask some questions and Zayne patiently answered.

“How did the surgeries go?” she inquired after Zayne helped her fasten the seat belt.

“Everything went smoothly for the most part,” he replied, his voice laced with a hint of exhaustion. “Though one patient will require a follow-up procedure.”

“Were there any problems outside the actual surgery itself?” Seraphina asked, her concern evident in her tone.

“Yes,” Zayne admitted, his voice softening. “His parents desperately want him to live on. But it seems he’s already given up, not wanting to burden his family further. This child once told me that he overheard his parents struggling to afford his treatment.”

“So what did you say?”